The company has improved its fleet of machines for the past years to increase its scope of work and cover larger market sectors. Our fully equipped facility with The State of Art Machines supports Testa & Toni’s market leadership in services and repairs as the Largest One Stop Facility in the Middle East region. We are specialized in the Manufacturing, Fabrication and Repairs of components and equipment for many Industrial Sectors such as Marine, Oil and Gas sectors, Dredging, Mining, Crushers, Construction and Heavy Industries with professional services for the reconditioning and maintenance of mechanical components. We have a wide range of machines to accommodate any Customer’s needs. Our capabilities consist of Turning Heavy Lathes & VTL machines, Milling, Drilling, Honing, Gears Hobbing, Cylindrical OD, ID & Surface grinding, Heavy Boring Machines, and Welding Machines. As we have a strong engineering team and experienced machinist who are able to produce parts to very close tolerances and able to find a solution for your needs.
T&T is a reputable manufacturer and supplier for many products required by many companies with whom we work in partnership including but not limited to crankshafts, crusher shafts, drums, special taps, pulleys, drums, shafts , sleeves , gears , special fabrications , pad eyes & Maintenance of heavy equipment including but not limited Tractors, Graders , Excavators, Diggers, Loaders , Paving Equipment, Dump Trucks , Bob Cats , Mobile Cranes , Concrete Mixers , Bulldozers- and Crushers
(خلاطات الاسمنت – البلدوزرات – الاوناش – الدنابر – ماكينات رصف الطرق – الروافع – حفارات – اللوادرجريدر- الجرارات و الجرافات) الكسارات – الطواحين
Our 90 years of experience allows us to create tailored products that suit the customers’ needs and create solutions in manufacturing and machining through quality of service and product reliability by Reverse Engineering.